Blessed Virgin, Mother of Christ the saviour and our own,
Let us get in the game
In life just like in sport.
Let me get in the game in pursuit of good,
With no fear, but courage and enthusiasm.
Let me get in the game with everyone else and with God.
I offer You the joy of every score
And the bitterness of every defeat.
Help me give all my best
To spend my life for what is truly worth
And lasts forever.
Help me welcome everyone with humbleness,
And act like a true athlete.
Help me reject individualism!
Let my team grow in mutual esteem
And in fraternity.
Let us always jointly play our game
That is the game of Gospel:
Guide our throws in the right direction.
Blessed Virgin, bless and protect my team,
My play companions,
My coaches and managers, my family.
O Holy Mother of Jesus, our Patron, pray for us!