Call for proposals to create a logo for the Shrine as the Patroness of Basketball

The municipality of Alto Reno Terme, in collaboration with FIP Federazione Italiana Pallacanestro, the Archdiocese of Bologna and the Parish of Santa Maria Maddalena of Porretta Terme has opened an artistic call for proposal to create a representative logo for the Shrine of Our Lady of the Bridge as the Patroness of Basketball in order to promote the values of sports, religious and the territory of Alto Reno Terme as a touristic destination for sporting events and pilgrimages.

The Call for Proposals calls for a representative logo to be used in all official events, creating a brand identity capable of promoting basketball and its Patroness worldwide.

The logo will be use for a commercial, tourism, environmental and cultural marketing strategy that will include enhancing cultural and tourism communication. The brand appropriately declined and applied may also become a “seal of quality” of events, products and services for multiple promotional actions.

Cover image by © Camilla Ferrari

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